School Uniform Guidance
School uniform with our logo is optional and is available from our online shop at Price and Buckland. School uniform without our logo can be purchased at many supermarkets and clothing retailers.
To enter the Price and Buckland website please follow the link below;
School uniform
- School logo v-neck jumper or bottle green, knitted style v-neck jumper or v-neck school logo cardigan or v-neck, knitted style bottle green cardigan
- Grey trousers or grey shorts with white or grey socks
- Knee-length dark grey pinafore, culottes or skirt with grey tights or white or grey knee-length or ankle socks
- Green and gold school tie
- White collared shirt or blouse with full length or short sleeves
- Green and white gingham summer dress
- Black, flat, school style shoes (ideally laced or Velcro for a secure fit)
P.E. kit
- White school logo polo shirt or white t-shirt/polo shirt
- Plain navy blue shorts or skort
- White ankle socks
- Black plimsolls and/or trainers (for indoor and outdoor use)
- Plain navy blue tracksuit bottoms
- School logo blue navy tracksuit top/sweatshirt without a hood or plain navy blue tracksuit top/sweatshirt without a hood
General Rules
- Shoulder length or longer hair to be tied back
- Hair bands should be simple in style and plain in colour
- No jewellery other than earrings - one pair of stud earrings only
- No nail varnish
Naming clothes and shoes
It is important that all clothing is named clearly, but especially ties, jumpers/cardigans and sports wear. Named clothing items, if found, are returned to the child. Un-named ‘lost property’ is kept until the end of each term and, if not claimed, is then donated to the Parent Group for their ‘pre-loved’ uniform sale.