01206 322242

Parsons Field, Colchester, Essex CO7 6BZ


News from St Mary's Church, Dedham

Click on the image above to visit the website of Dedham and Ardleigh Parishes

Welcome to St. Mary’s in Dedham!
We value our link with Dedham School and have a team of volunteers who regularly visit to lead Collective Worship and meet with the children and staff.
A number of families from the school worship with us regularly.  On the first Sunday of the month we have a short, interactive and fun all-age service called Rise ’n Shine and every other Sunday we run a Junior Church alongside the service for children aged 3-10 where they have fun, do some activities and learn from the Bible in an age-appropriate way.
Each term we host an End of Term Assembly (to which parents are invited) as we look back on the past term and wish each other a happy holiday.
For more information on St. Mary’s, head to our website by clicking the image above.