01206 322242

Parsons Field, Colchester, Essex CO7 6BZ


We currently have spaces in Years R, 3, 5 and 6.  Please call the office on 01206 322242 to arrange a school tour.

For next year, (from September 2024, we now have spaces in:  Class R, 1, 2, 4, and 6


On behalf of the children, staff, parents and governors I am very pleased to welcome you to the Dedham Church of England Primary School website.

Our Vision – Guide each of us to be a light to the world (inspired by Matthew 5:14)

At Dedham Church of England Primary School, we each strive to be a light to the world: we learn to shine our light to be the best that we can be as individuals; and we seek to shine our light to improve and inspire the lives of others through the actions we take.  As we grow personally, academically and spiritually, the teachings of Jesus light our path and help to guide our actions and the decisions we make. 


Our Values

These values underpin everyday life in school and our staff and children are expected to demonstrate these values as they go about everyday school activities.  Our values illuminate our path: they show us how to be the best that we can be so that we can achieve our vision.

  • Perseverance

We work with determination to achieve success and face difficulties positively

  • Appreciation

We value and treasure what we have and show our thanks

  • Ambition

In all situations we strive to be the best possible versions of ourselves

  • Respect

We speak and behave politely to others and take care of the world around us

  • Kindness

Our actions show that we put the feelings of others before our own

Please visit our website regularly to keep up to date with our latest news. Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information about the school and to book an appointment  to visit us.   You can also follow us on Twitter @PrimaryDedham.

Mrs Gemma Chester


Guide each of us to be a light to the world (inspired by Matthew 5:14)



Our School Values

Parent Tours for September 2025 Intake

Please phone to office to book on a tour for children starting in September 2025

Tour dates:

Thursday 19th September 2024 9:45am

Tuesday 15th October 2024 9:45am

Thursday 21st November 2024 9:45am

Tuesday 3rd December 2024 9:45am

Thursday 9th January 2025 9:45am